This fifteen-week course will train the therapist in gentle hands-on healing, working with the body’s fascia and underlying muscle tissue to free restrictions and increase the free flow of Chi or Life Force.
The seminars are at fortnightly intervals. The first three focus on developing core strength connections to the arms and hands, while the last four seminars work on the energy massage sequence. The sequence of the course is as follows-
Seminar 1 The nervous system and the stress response, connecting to your core strength.
Seminar 2 Developing awareness, enhancing life’s experiences, overcoming negative programmes, developing positive ones.
Seminar 3 Developing Chi in relaxation and movement, nutrition from food, air and the Life Force.
Seminar 4 The Neurochi massage sequence, initiating case studies.
Seminar 5 The Neurochi massage sequence, sinking Chi, developing core power through interactive exercise.
Seminar 6 The Neurochi massage sequence, spiralling Chi, the sequence of Neurochi moves.
Seminar 7 Final session, questions and answers, fine tuning the massage, presentation of certificates.
ADVANCED POST-GRADUATE SEMINARS – All of these seminars take place at the Natural Healing Centre, MacCurtain St., Cork. They all take place on a Sunday, from 9.30 am to about 3.30 pm. Each day seminar costs 75 euros, shorter seminars cost 55 euro. Full notes are provided and a certificate of attendance is issued for each completed seminar. The next three seminars are –
( Venue; The Natural Healing Centre, cost; 75 euro, times; 9.30am to 3.30pm).
Learn to release trigger points in the small muscles of the foot, in the nine muscles or muscle groups that are responsible for almost all foot pain, stiffness and numbness. Working the trigger points in these muscles can hugely benefit foot problems, including those that have been diagnosed as heel spurs and plantar fasciitis.
Some groups of people, because of their jobs or sporting activities, are more likely to suffer foot pain. These include runners and walkers and workers whose occupations oblige them to stay on their feet for long periods, like shop workers, hairdressers and assembly line workers, to give just a small sample. However, many others will have foot pain from other factors, like poor posture, uneven walking patterns and inappropriate footwear.
This is the first time that this seminar will be run, so it should be of practical use to previous trigger point students as well as body workers and reflexologists.
SHOULDER RELEASES ( February 16th, 2014).
( Venue; The Natural Healing Centre, cost; 55 euro, times; 9.30am to 1.30pm).
Learn eight specific points and eight release positions to relieve pain and stiffness and restore flexibility to the shoulder joint and its surrounding tissue. This short seminar uses gentle strain/counterstrain techniques to release and relax the entire shoulder area. This approach is very safe and gentle, replacing manipulation of the joint with simple positioning techniques. The moves are explained and well illustrated in the accompanying notes and the treatment is ideal when a gentle approach is needed. It combines well with massage work.
ARM RELEASES ( March 16th, 2014). (Venue; The Natural Healing Centre, cost 55 euro, times; 9.30am to 1.30pm).
Learn a gentle release technique for the elbow joint. Learn the four specific elbow points that will indicate restriction and how to release them. Learn how to increase flexibility in the forearm bones and some general and specific releases for the wrist and hand. There’s a lot of useful information in this shorter seminar and, as with all strain/counterstrain techniques, the positioning releases are both gentle and effective.